Fayetteville Community Garden
Intersection of Vanstory and Mann Streets
Fayetteville has a community garden, a 5 acre tract of land with plots available to citizens for the planting vegetables, flowers and herbs. The concept of community gardening is very simple; patrons rent space and FCPR supplies garden boxes, compost and water. The garden is organic in nature therefore no chemicals or synthetic herbicides, insecticides, fungicides or fertilizers will be allowed. Plots are raised beds approximately 20 ft. by 20 ft. Gardening is a wonderful activity for all ages and can be physically and mentally engaging. The potential benefits are endless. Plots may be rented for $25, with the option to renew in Jan. of each year.
For rental information contact FCPR administrative office. (910) 433-1547. Open year round during daylight hours; $25/Jan.-Jan.