North Carolina Veterans Park
300 Bragg Boulevard, (910) 433-1457 or (910) 433-1224
Park Hours: 8 am-Dusk
Visitor Center Hours: March-Oct.: Tues.-Sat. 10 am-4 pm
Nov.-Feb.: Tues.-Sat. noon-4 pm
- Closed Sun. and Mon.
- Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Years Day and Easter
- Free Admission
A Proud City. A Grateful State. An Indebted Nation.
Welcome to the North Carolina Veterans Park located in historic downtown Fayetteville, America’s First Sanctuary Community for the Military. Fayetteville is proud to be the home of the North Carolina Veterans Park. The first state park dedicated to military veterans – young and or deceased…from all branches of the Armed Services: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard.
With its rich military heritage, Fayetteville is the perfect place to house the North Carolina Veterans Park. The city’s beautifully revitalized downtown is a fitting location, given the spirit of renewal embodied in the park. What’s more, North Carolina is proud to call itself the “Most Military Friendly” state, and the Veterans Park incorporates many natural and architectural elements that represent the state. Symbolic features pay homage to the veterans from over 100 North Carolina counties and represent the citizens who support them.
The park is host to a number of small exhibits in the visitor center. These informational exhibits highlight various aspects of military heritage and history. Also, the natural beauty in the park changes as the seasons do. Visit the park throughout the year to see new and fresh sights.
All ages; Tues.-Sat.; 10 am-4 pm; Free
Veterans Day Ceremony
On Thurs., Nov. 9, join us at the North Carolina Veterans Park for a Veterans Day Ceremony.
All ages; Thurs., Nov. 9; noon; Free
Volunteers Needed
The North Carolina Veterans Park has dedicated volunteers that help greet and provide information to visitors. For more information about how you can become a part of the NCVP team. Stop by the park or call 433-1457.